Bye Bye Baby Teeth: Tooth Loss Traditions from Around the World

June 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — crownridgedental @ 8:08 pm
A little girl dressed as a fairy holding a fake tooth.

Losing a baby tooth is a big deal for most kids. It means they’re growing up, that they have a new look to show off, and if they’re lucky it could even mean a visit from the tooth fairy. But have you ever wondered how children in other cultures celebrate this milestone? Here are a few traditions from around the world that you and your kids can bite into!

Ratocinto Perez

In many Spanish speaking countries, children’s fallen teeth are collected not by a fairy, but by a mouse named Ratocinto Perez. This friendly little fellow sneaks under their pillows and squeaks away into the night with their loot. In Argentina, Ratocinto Perez must retrieve teeth from a glass of water which was left to quench his thirst. In its place, he leaves money or a prize for the child.

In France, Morrocco, Belgium and Switzerland a mouse by the name La Petit Souris (the little mouse) will take your teeth and leave behind a small sum of money in return.

Tossing Teeth

In Korea and Brazil, children toss their fallen teeth onto the roof in belief that a bird will pick them up and return with a new tooth for the child, which is how they get their adult teeth.

In the Middle East, children throw their teeth up in the air at the sun and ask the sun to reward them with new, improved adult teeth, while in Japan kids throw their top teeth up in the air and their bottom teeth towards the ground to encourage their new teeth to grow in straight and healthy.

Keepsake Teeth

In some countries, it is not common to give away your teeth. For example, in Lithuania children store their fallen teeth in a special box or make them into a keepsake such as a piece of jewelry. In Turkey, it is believed that where you bury your baby teeth will determine your future. Burial near a doctor’s office could mean you could grow up to be a doctor, or near a restaurant could help you someday be a chef, and in the Ukraine, kids wrap their lost tooth in a cloth and hide it in the darkest corner of their home until their adult tooth emerges.

No matter what your tradition is, losing your baby teeth is an exciting event. Whether it’s your first fallen tooth or your 20th, folkloric tales like these make it fun to grow up. So, what’s your favorite tooth loss ritual?

About Dr. Pham

Recognized as one of America’s Top Dentists by the Consumers’ Research Council of America, Dr. Christian Pham is a skilled dentist with an extensive background in many facets of dentistry. Dr. Pham has studied at such prestigious institutions as the Progressive Orthodontics and Dentistry Group, as well as an aesthetic continuum program at the University of California, Los Angeles.  He also completed a two-year master’s program in orthodontics at the International Medical College in Münster, Germany, which covered a wide array of orthodontic procedures including traditional braces and clear aligners.

To schedule an appointment for your child at Crownridge Dental & Orthodontics, please visit our website or call us at 210-538-7500.

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