Crownridge Dental & Orthodontics Blog

Why Do I Need a Sinus Lift Before Dental Implant Placement?

January 16, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — crownridgedental @ 1:11 pm
A computer-generated image of a jawbone with a sinus lift and dental implant

If you’re missing teeth on your upper jaw, replacing them with dental implants is a great way to restore the appearance and function of your smile. These durable, lifelike prosthetics are permanently anchored into your jaw, so they stay firmly in place without the need for regular replacement. But if you’ve been missing teeth for a while, or if you suffer from bone deterioration from gum disease, you may not have sufficient bone density to support them. The solution to this is a procedure called a sinus lift. Here’s why you might need one before getting dental implants, and what you can expect from the procedure.


Restoring Smiles & Self-Esteem: How Dental Implants Boost Your Confidence

December 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — crownridgedental @ 11:14 am
An older man admiring his new dental implant with a hand mirror

Many folks take hits to their self-esteem when they lose their teeth. That being said, an excellent solution to this mood problem exists: dental implants! Having these prosthetics in your mouth will help you feel confident, raising your quality of life as a result. Your San Antonio dentist can even prove that much with solid evidence. To that end, here are four ways dental implants boost your confidence for a long time.


What to Do if Your Dental Implants Feel Sensitive

November 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — crownridgedental @ 6:19 pm
A man experiencing pain from dental implant sensitivity

If you have dental implants, you’re probably used to the idea that you shouldn’t feel any type of sensitivity in your teeth. That’s because though they look and behave just like the real thing, your restorations are prosthetic, and unable to experience sensations. But what happens when it seems like they do?

If you notice any kind of pain or discomfort surrounding your dental implants, here’s what could be responsible, and what you should do to protect yourself.


What to Do – And Not Do! – for A Smooth Dental Implant Recovery

October 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — crownridgedental @ 4:44 pm
Woman smiling with a smoothie in her kitchen

After your dental implant surgery, your mouth will be busy healing, and your jawbone will be busy integrating with your implant posts. While this means you’ll be able to enjoy superior stability and power later, during your recovery, there are certain things you should do – and not do! – if you want the process to go smoothly. Keep reading to learn more.


When New Teeth Arrive: How Long Does Dental Implant Surgery Take?

September 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — crownridgedental @ 10:02 am
Dentists performing a dental implant surgery

Since you’ve decided to get dental implants, you’re likely eager to start treatment. Anyone would want their smile restored as soon as possible. Still, you may have a lingering question: How long will your dental implant surgery take? If you’d like the answer, your San Antonio dentist will gladly share the relevant details. Read on to learn about dental implant surgery, how long it takes, and what to do for recovery once it’s over.


Why Vitamin D is So Important for Dental Implants

August 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — crownridgedental @ 3:20 pm
A variety of foods that you can eat for a natural source of vitamin D.

Dental implants are an important investment in your oral health, but they’re also a significant financial investment, too. Naturally, you want to do everything you can to make sure that your procedure is a success. This means that to ensure that your implants properly integrate with your jaw and heal correctly, there are certain lifestyle changes you may want to consider. For example, if you smoke, you should quit before getting them, and if you don’t already, you should ensure that you have adequate levels of vitamin D.

Here’s why this is so important, and what you can do to boost your levels of this important vitamin.


How Missing Teeth Can Change Your Face

July 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — crownridgedental @ 5:32 pm
A woman examining her face in the mirror

If you are missing one or more of your adult teeth, you may think the worst problem you could face is difficulty chewing. Unfortunately, however, fallen teeth can be a lot more problematic than that. That’s because when you don’t have anything to stimulate your jawbone, it can begin to deteriorate, causing not just bone loss, but further tooth loss. Worse yet, it isn’t just noticeable inside your mouth: many of the changes associated with missing teeth can be seen on your face by outsiders, too. Here’s how you’re appearance could change when you’ve lost adult teeth.


Bye Bye Baby Teeth: Tooth Loss Traditions from Around the World

June 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — crownridgedental @ 8:08 pm
A little girl dressed as a fairy holding a fake tooth.

Losing a baby tooth is a big deal for most kids. It means they’re growing up, that they have a new look to show off, and if they’re lucky it could even mean a visit from the tooth fairy. But have you ever wondered how children in other cultures celebrate this milestone? Here are a few traditions from around the world that you and your kids can bite into!


What to do About Uncomfortable Invisalign Aligners

May 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — crownridgedental @ 12:45 am
patient holding clear aligner

Invisalign has become a popular choice for teeth straightening, having treated over 2.4 million patients since 1997, with 80,000 oral health specialists worldwide trained in its use. Like any orthodontic appliance, Invisalign can initially cause discomfort as you adapt to wearing it. Here are effective strategies to ease this discomfort and enhance your journey towards achieving a more pleasant smile.


How to Prevent Clear Aligners from Turning Yellow

April 26, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — crownridgedental @ 10:06 pm

Aligners in an open handClear aligners are a popular choice to fix bite and alignment problems because they are virtually invisible. You don’t have to worry about the appearance or restrictions of brackets and wires. Aligners are worn over your teeth to move them in small increments. This provides a discreet and comfortable method to straighten your smile. However, your aligners may turn yellow if you’re not caring for them correctly. Here’s how you can ensure your aligners stay discreet.


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